Posted by Unknown on 6:21 PM

Advantage of using Facelet:
Facelets do not depend on a web container.
Facelets have a faster compilation process than JSP since no Java bytecode is generated and compiled.JSP is a templating language that produces a servlet. The body of the JSP becomes the equivalent of a servlet's doGet() and doPost() methods (that is, it becomes the jspService() method). Unlike JSP, Facelets is a templating language built from the ground up with the JSF component life cycle in mind. With Facelets, you produce templates that build a component tree, not a servlet. This allows for greater reuse because you can compose components out of a composition of other components.
Facelets provides templating so you can resuse your code to simplify development on large applications with detailed error reporting.

In terms of facelet performance following tweaks can be done to optimise JSF-Facelet further.

1. facelets.DEVELOPMENT – print debug info for errors (Context parameter in web.xml). Set it to false to remove extra overhead at production environment.


2. facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD – interval compiler checks for page changes – lower values useful during development – set to -1 if you don't want checks made.


3. facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS - In production, no need to let comment in rendered html. this will reduce the rendered html size while travarsing through newtwork wire.


Your comments/suggestions are welcome


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